Thursday, 27 August 2009

Come and learn with us.... 6 week course - 'a beginners guide to Photoshop'

TipTop Photography is holding a 6 week course - 'a beginners guide to Photoshop'.

The course will take place on a Tuesday evening - the first night being the 15th September 2009 - arrival at 7pm for refreshments with a view to starting at 7:30pm -8:30pm.

The 6 weeks will cover amongst other things:

Understanding workflow(from camera to print)
The photoshop desktop - making it personal
Basic editing techniques (levels, saturation, curves, black & white, filters, selection, masks etc)
Basic skin editing
Creating a white background from a studio shoot
Understanding and creating basic actions

Each week images will be provided for you to take away and edit in preparation for the following week - you will be encouraged to put your own spin on the images provided and share back with the group.

The 6 week course fee is £65 - (there is a 10% discount available to TipTop Photography Club Members)

The cost of the course also includes a photoshoot with a model on week 5. You will have the opportunity to take images of a model on a white background with full professional studio lighting setup - you will then be able to take images home and put into practice your new editing skills.

The course will be lead by Steve, TipTop Director/Owner - Steve is not a qualified Adobe instructor however he has extensive knowledge in Photoshop built up from many years in the design industry.

Places are limited to 5 people. Please get in touch at if you would like to reserve a place.

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