Saturday, 1 August 2009

Custard Factory 1960's shoot has been a great day.....up there with some of our best shoots!

This morning, Steve and I opened up our studio to a selection of photographers and models to use our facilities before moving on to the Custard Factory, Birmingham.

The 1960's day was organised by Duane, a model from Purestorm. Duane had co-ordinated the day to allow models and togs to be able to shoot in a great setting....with a retro 60's feel.

We had 8 photographers and 2 models in our studio - all lovely guys. We chatted, drank tea and shot some great images before moving on into the city at mid-day.

Here we met Duane, Mel and all the others. All of the models had made a huge effort to recreate the feel of the swingin' 60's. Short skirts, pyschedellic dresses, kinky boots and sharp suits were all being worn.

The weather was pretty poor but it didnt dampen anyones spirits...having full access to the Custard Factory (including all the little corridors and behind the scenes areas) were priceless.

Both Steve and I made some new friends today, people had travelled 100's of miles to get to the was certainly worth while.

We've already looked at our images and cant wait to edit them. As a little taster... here is one of them:

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