Sunday, 22 November 2009

Studio PA goes live!!!

Well its happened.... the first models have gone live on Studio-PA.

So what are you waiting for... go check out the website.

Studio PA is a place where you can book a photo shoot, model and studio(including lighting set up & lighting technician) without any hassle.

Studio PA is here to help photographers and models find eachother to hopefully create some amazing images.

Studio PA is a service designed to help you plan a photoshoot with ease.

As a Personal Assistant, we will do everything for you from initial contact to finalising the details for your shoot. You simply select the model you would like to work with, contact us with some suggested times/dates and we will do the rest.

We will contact the model, arrange the shoot, provide the studio (including full lighting set up) all for one fee paid directly to TipTop Photography.

There is no requirement for you to pay the models directly as this will be included in our service.

We have agreements in place with all models to ensure you have a great shoot with a reliable, professional model - something I am sure we all look for when arranging a shoot.

After many years of arranging shoots we understand how difficult it can sometimes be to find an exciting reliable model.

Leave it us......

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