Sunday, 27 June 2010

TipTop Photography Club goes Public!!

The TipTop Photography club meets twice a month - we have in excess of 25 members with all different likes, experience and ideas.

Today we all embarked on The Public, West Bromwich for our monthly Sunday meet.

We arrived at 10am and headed straight for the coffee bar to wait for everyone to arrive. We were joined by two models from Purestorm, Abbi & Danni who would be working with us during the shoot.

It was lovely to see everyone, especially Tracey & Claire, the latest TipTop Club members..... we all headed up to Floor 3 for the shoot to begin.
I think its safe to say that everyone had a great time and from the sneaky peaks we had on the back of the cameras, there were some stunning images being taken.

After 3 hours of shooting time, we headed back to the coffee bar for a cold beer and said our goodbyes.... until our next meeting!

Here are a few images from club members taken today

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