Thursday, 26 August 2010

Photography Courses and Workshops

Since we first introduced our photography workshops some 2 years ago - we have been asked more and more to formalise these into courses and seminars to help new and aspiring photographers to make the most of their hobby and passion.

Unlike other some other studios we have always prided ourselves on providing photographers with one on one time with models to ensure they not only get excellent value for money but they learn to interact with a model rather than shooting over another photographers shoulder.

This is how was born

We are proud to unveil this improved approach to photography coaching and training.

Our sister site above will keep both our existing and new clients in touch with sessions running from our Birmingham based studios that will help photographers develop their skills and network with others who share the same passion. Courses include:
  • Introduction to your DSLR
  • Introduction to working in a photography studio
  • Photographing in a studio and on location
  • Photoshop beginners, intermediate and advanced
If you or someone you know may be interested in attending one of many up and coming sessions - drop us a line, give us a call or pop in for a chat to learn more at:

The Loft & Attic Studios
TipTop Photography - Centre of Photography
1-5 Warstone Lane
B18 6JE

Steve: 07523 330924
Deb: 07790 662828

Please Note: We are not advertising as 'qualified' photographers and do not hold a formal qualification in photography- what we do have is years of experience working with models, corporate clients, families and with photographers - we find experience is often the best teacher!

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