Sunday, 5 September 2010

The club....

The TipTop Photography club has been in existence for almost 12 months and we are both proud of our achievements to date.

During the last 12 months we have met some fantastic people, who we are now proud to call friends, not just club members.

The TipTop Photography club is for photographers of all abilities with a vast range of likes, experience etc who want to get together twice a month to basically have a good time, take some stunning images, learn some new tricks and put the fun back into photography.

Our last meeting was Thursday 2nd September where we photographed male model Mark Allen.

Only a few of our club photographers had photographed a male model before so the challenge was set for the evening.... mean, moody, atmospheric.....Mark was a total hit. All of the photographers loved working with him, in fact we are planning
another shoot with him on location for the very near future.

The TipTop Photography club is not a money making scheme; we dont charge a monthly or yearly administration fee, we dont charge weekly 'subs' - we do it because we love photography and want others to be able to use our facilities free of charge for the club meets. The only fee is two or three pounds to cover model costs as and when required. We have never charged a fee and never will do.

The TipTop Photography club is open to new members, experience is not required....learn from the experience of other club members, learn about new genres after all 'experience can be the best teacher'.

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