Saturday, 30 October 2010

A full time career? Yes please!

I woke up this morning to a new FULL TIME career! That's, Deb is managing the studio and corporate events on a full time capacity.

I'm a strong believer that things happen for a reason...there has recently been an opportunity presented to Steven and I which has meant that we are able to follow our dreams and turn TioTop into something special.

The past 12 months have seen our business grow from strength to strength with us getting to the point where we had to turn down work on a regulate basis! Of course,no one wants to turn work we find ourselves in a position where we can really live the dream!

The next few weeks will see some exciting changes at both the studio and the services we can offer our clients.

Steve and I are very excited.....we hope you keep following our little blog and keeping track of what's on offer!

Not bad for two photographers who started out in a little back street mouldy studio knowing nothing about business! We are clearly doing something right! :-)

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