Saturday, 13 November 2010

Forthcomming events

What would you like to see at TipTop Towers?..

Let us know!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Piffle.....what a night!

On Sunday 7th November the TipTop Team went to the Glee Club in Birmingham to be the official photographers for 'Piffle' - a night of Dada inspired cabaret madness.....and what a night it was!

The event organiser, Ditzy Diamond put on the most amazing show - it was never in doubt that the event would be a huge success but I dont think the audience (TipTop included) realised what a great night was going to be had by all.

The night started off as every cabaret show should with the most amazing performance from Mister Joe Black.  As always Joe had the audience in fits of laughter and had everyones toes tapping to his tunes.  One lucky audience member got close to Joe in a way he wasn't expecting...underneath him!!  oh er!  Joe later went on to perform his infamous 'minstrel act'....genius pure genius!  Joe you rock!

Frayed Knott provided fantastic circus skills with Amelie Soleil eating razor blades whilst drinking red wine and later performing with partner Edd Muir in a dangerous but mesmerising whip act.

Beatrix von Bourbon sang her very catchy 'Milkshake' song - dam you Beatrix, that song is still going round in my head almost a week was fab though!  Beatrix later did beat poetry showing she really can think on her feet about the most random subjects and turn them into poetry.... teabag anyone?

Khandie Khisses was completely mad but such a showgirl - two performances that teased the audience, especially the boys on the front row.  Khandie is certainly not to be missed if you get the opportunity to see her live.

Live music was played by Biscuithead & the Biscuit Badgers - to say I didnt stop smiling and singing along is an understatement.  I was so pleased when they announced you could by their CD in the half time break - the most random band I've seen but one of the best..... CHEESE!

Heather Sweet sang her little heart out as only a mermaid can....a very naughty mermaid at that.  Heather brings a sense of cuteness, comedy and naughtiness to any stage and she certainly didnt disappoint on Sunday night.

Cherry Darling, Drag Queen extraordinaire kicked off the second half with a bang.  I've never seen so many sequins and feathers on one stage.....that girl certainly knows how to work the audience and tease n please.  Lip Synching to Whitney Houston's Queen of the Night she wowed everyone.  Cherry Darling is by far the best Draq Queen I have had the pleasure of seeing.  She has a very cheeky smile, she knows what she wants and boy does she go out to get it.  Watch out boys....

Twinkel Pink spent all of her time up a pole...dancing.  Twinkel was the pre show entertainment and interval entertainment.  To look sexy on a pole is tricky enough but to do it for over an hour is just amazing.  Dressed in a tiny black number Twinkel showed the audience moves, bumps and grinds leaving them cheering for more.

The whole night was compared by the lovable Decadent Gent - Ditzy's partner in crime.  DG held the night together perfectly, he was cheeky, a little blue, entertaining and just overall fan blinkin tastic.

Last but by no means least... the show was stage managed by the wonderful Fey Tish - she really did pull everything together on the stage and made sure the show ran to perfection.

Ditzy Diamond you should be very proud of yourself...... pictures to follow!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The Gallery is Open!

Steve and I are both really pleased to finally announce that our photography gallery has opened!

We had a VIP launch on Saturday 6th November where over 100 guests viewed the 17 images on display and celebrated with us in style.  Images in the current exhibition are from photographers who regularly attend the TipTop Photography Club ( - with a theme of Birmingham each photographer submitted images which represented their thoughts of the 2nd city.

The gallery is one of a kind in the Jewellery Quarter - over 1000sq foot it allows artists to display their work in a contemporary environment, with lots of viewing and socialising room in the gallery it really is the most perfect place to show off work.

The gallery is available for artists to hire on a daily,  weekly or monthly basis - all images are hung professionally with the option for press/PR/launch nights to be arranged by TipTop Photography.

The gallery can comfortably hold around 100 people, with an on site kitchen facility, food and drinks can be catered for with ease.

Following are a few images taken prior to the launch to showcase the space available.

Monday, 1 November 2010

First day in the full time job!

Well first day of being an entrepreneur is almost over....i even had dinner ready for when Steveo got home! I'm going to like this way of life!

It feels like I am on holiday! I didn't know what this morning would feel like.... Would I be happy, sad, apprehensive??? I woke up this morning with Steve, it's a case of if I don't get up with him I will still be asleep when he comes home!

After having breakfast tea together I walked upstairs to our large home office, sat down and switched on the pc.

I don't know where the time has gone today! It's flown by. I had an interesting call from a foreign consulant requiring a quote plus booked in some studio hires and also replied to lots of emails.

Tomorrow the fun starts.... Website updating, the start of our marketing plan and preparing press releases for the media for the forthcoming exhibition.

How did I manage to fit a full time job in?????