Monday, 1 November 2010

First day in the full time job!

Well first day of being an entrepreneur is almost over....i even had dinner ready for when Steveo got home! I'm going to like this way of life!

It feels like I am on holiday! I didn't know what this morning would feel like.... Would I be happy, sad, apprehensive??? I woke up this morning with Steve, it's a case of if I don't get up with him I will still be asleep when he comes home!

After having breakfast tea together I walked upstairs to our large home office, sat down and switched on the pc.

I don't know where the time has gone today! It's flown by. I had an interesting call from a foreign consulant requiring a quote plus booked in some studio hires and also replied to lots of emails.

Tomorrow the fun starts.... Website updating, the start of our marketing plan and preparing press releases for the media for the forthcoming exhibition.

How did I manage to fit a full time job in?????


  1. Best of luck, although you don't really need it with such a superb studio and photographic service already established.


  2. I've posted on Facebook, LInkedin, Myspace and my own website too. That should spread the word!!!

